NPTE Physical Therapy Test
The experts at Board Preppers are preparing a National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) test preparation course for aspiring physical therapy program graduates throughout the nation. Our existing preparation courses boast a 93% passing rate for individuals taking the assessment for the first time. For those of you who need to increase your score, our returning exam takers reportedly achieve an 89% passing rate. With passing rates that exceed national averages, you can count on increased opportunities for success with Board Preppers. We are interested in helping you achieve your goals, regarding the assessment, so you can move from student status to that of an outstanding employee at a health care facility.
Preparing for the NPTE Physical Therapy Test
At Board Preppers, we specialize in preparing physical therapists for the exam. Our comprehensive review program begins with Anatomy and Physiology and goes as far as including the NPTE Physical Therapy test. There is a wealth of information you will need to master before passing this assessment, and not everybody knows where exactly to start. Since our classes are designed by experts who are familiar with the examination, you can count on helpful, useful study tools. We provide:
- A complete and thorough review of the preparation guide that your particular school has selected for you. (We utilize the two most popular resources available: TherapyED National PT Exam and Study Guide.)
- Online collective and active classes, as well as interactive webinars.
- ESL (English as a Second Language) instruction for Spanish-speaking students.
These tools will assist you in gaining an in-depth review of each section on the NPTE physical therapy test. We go above and beyond by using materials specific to your school’s program, and you benefit from guided coursework. It’s said that practice makes permanent, and you will solidify your knowledge by participating in our online classes and webinars.
Gaining Confidence Through Study Skills
Board Preppers will help train your mind so you can handle exam questions that require rote memorization, as well as applying critical thinking to case studies of situational moments that you may encounter in a clinical setting. Our approach will give you command of recall, so you’re not left sitting there wasting precious exam time, thinking, “I know I studied this, but I just can’t remember the exact answer!”
Our training will address various subjects from multiple angles. You will be taught how to best read, dissect, and interpret questions and responses within the NPTE physical therapy test. With these new skills, you will learn how to decide and rule out certain choices. We review terms you need to know and relevant content areas. Our unique instruction and proven test-taking strategies give you specific guidance for managing your time and your stress.
Board Preppers: NPTE Physical Therapy Test Preparation
With Board Preppers, you will increase your ability to pass the exam. By gaining knowledge and exam-taking tools, as well as strategies for managing time and anxiety, you improve your NPTE physical therapy test readiness. No more blanking out during your examination or wondering whether or not you studied everything you needed to. Let us help you move through the process efficiently and successfully. Don’t let a low score on your boards keep you from a career that you’re passionate about. Sign up for our upcoming course today!
Disclaimer: These courses may be space is limited based. Online and on-site class start dates are may vary. Respectively, we consider most needs and address specific concerns on an individual basis.